Happy 3rd Birthday Pooka!


I understand that this post does not exactly seem like a 90s kid post ,but my little angel has been with me through almost all of the most important decisions in my life.  She is a Yorkshire Terrier that was rescued from the tornado that recently blew through Tuscaloosa.  I adopted her at 8 weeks old.  From then on out she was my best friend.

She watched all of my favorite 90s shows with me without complaining.  She even grew to like one of my favorite shows that I grew up with as a 90s kid, which was Scooby Doo.  She loves to watch this show with me every time I come home to visit from school or work.  It is part of our monthly routine to sit down together and watch Scooby Doo at least once a month.

Even though she was not born a 90s kids, she has surely grown into one!  She is my best friend just like Scooby was Shaggy’s best friend.  We may not solve mysteries together, we do enjoy eating together!

I love you Pooka! Have a wonderful day!  I’m sorry I can’t be there to share it with you!

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