The Real Nickelodeon Channel!!!

This real Nickelodeon schedule:

This was the real nickelodeon channel for 90s kids!  90s kids would watch Saturday morning cartoons while eating cereal and then we would proceed to watch Nickelodeon all afternoon long!

Personally, I would start watching around 12 p.m.  I watched all of my morning cartoons and went outside to play until it was almost lunchtime.  When it was time for lunch I would run inside and turn on the t.v. so I could sit with my cousin and watch Nickelodeon while we ate on our t.v. trays.  We would always watch Little Bear and Blue’s Clues.

My favorite shows came on at 4, 4:30 and 5 p.m. so I would play video games and boardgames with my cousin until 3:30ish p.m.  Alvin and the Chipmunks, Inspector Gadget and Are You Afraid of the Dark? were some of my favorite Nickelodeon shows.  Those were the shows that we never missed as children.

We would sit together and if we had not finished our homework earlier, we would do our homework until suppertime.  After supper, we would watch Doug, Rugrats and Hey Arnold before getting ready for bed.

What was your favorite Nickelodeon show???

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