Monthly Archives: August 2014

Sorry For the Absence

I am so sorry for my absence for the last two months. It has been a very long summer.  I thought of all the wonderful people that might miss my posts and I felt really bad about not being here.  Anyways, back to my 90s things.

How many of you all got to watch the somewhat 90s marathon of “Boy Meets World” this summer???

I know I did and I had forgotten how many absolutely fabulous life lessons came from that show.  This is why I honestly think that there should be more shows like that on children’s T.V.  We need more shows that teach moral lessons rather than just teaching mindless entertainment.  Children can be entertained just as much or more with shows that have life lessons in them.

This is one of my favorite life lessons from the series.

It teaches children to choose their own path and the right person will just be there when it is time for the right person to be there. So many people are on social media and these people are more concerned with who they are dating and what will happen when they go off to school.

If they would have watched this show they would know that if it is meant to be, then it will just happen.

Another lesson I learned from this show was that even though someone is not biologically family they can still be “like” family.  Life is full of wonderful people and if you can find someone that is “like” family that is sometimes better than having actual family in tough situations.

If you agree, you can comment and share some of your experiences in life that have been easier to handle because you learned a life lesson in a 90s show like “Boy Meets World.”

I know I learned things that helped me become the person I am today.

I love the 90s!